Monday, December 14, 2009


Here is the link to a Google Doc that describes that I met the necessary standards for the class.

Multimedia Project

I did my multimedia project on iPhoto. It is an application for Mac computers. It is very user friendly and has many features to use to improve and manage your pictures. There are many uses in classroom such as managing pictures of students and taking pictures of the students doing projects in the classroom and putting them on a class blog, class website, or up in the classroom where parents can see what the students are doing.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Oregon Tech Standards

Technology is continually improving each and every day. There are many forms of technology that students are using in their daily lives such as computers, cell phones, ipods, etc. It is important that students and teachers use technology for the benefits that it gives us. It is also important to teach students about technology, the uses, and the proper use of the various technologies in the classroom so students are aware.
Now in school, there are standards that are required of the students.
One of the standards “Digital Citizenship” where students are required to understand issues (human, cultural, and societal) that revolve around the use of technology. Also this standard is about practicing legal and ethical online behavior. It is important that students are aware of proper online behavior so that they can be safe while using the internet and various social networking sites such as MySpace, Facebook, and Twitter. Being safe and ethical is priority while using technology and being able to report the unethical uses.
Another standard is “Communication and Collaboration.” Collaborating with the use of technology is important for students to work together with students in their class, another school in another state, and even students from another country. By using Web2.0 tools like Skype and Tokbox students are able to work together and talk to learn more about subjects and using the technology. For teachers promoting the use of these tools can really help students especially those who were absent and need to get the assignments from one of their classmates.
A third standard the students are required to complete is “Creativity and Innovation.” With this standard students will be able to use different technology sites such as YouTube in order to construct knowledge and create different kinds of projects for classes and be able to understand the material along with the technology. Using different and creative technology, students are able to construct and maintain the knowledge much better. Also by introducing students to Google, students can explore the many uses that Google has such as documents, spreadsheets, e-mail, etc. With Google, students and teachers can use it to create presentations for school, spreadsheets, even a website for the class. Technology is a important and useful tool for students and teachers in the classroom.

Google Sheets Assignment

The graph above is what was used to view the student test growth trend for tests 6-10. These students are those who scored below the overall average. As you can see from the graph the students gradually made improvements on tests 6-10 except for Katherine who slipped on test number eight; however, she made improvements on the last two tests. I can see this being useful in the classroom to track how students are doing on tests and other assignments as well as find averages for the students and the entire class. By using Google sheets I can chart student scores and check for improvement and for those who still need some help in the subject area.

This is the practice spreadsheet with standard deviations